
Library Procedures

check out station

Drew’s library is a place for everyone to come to explore, to read, to participate in research, and to be curious. The librarians, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Lawler, want the library to be engaging, interesting, and fun.


What do we do?

Each week, every child will have the opportunity to check out books to bring home.  The students may also be engaged in a lesson, reader’s theater, storytelling, singing, projects, guest speakers, technology lessons, STEAM connections,  and much more.

When do the students come to library?

While the students have set library days to visit with their class, the children may also come in before school, during the day with a pass, or after school.

What are the Students’responsibilities?

Students are responsible for bringing their library books back each week to exchange for new books or to renew them if they need more time with the book.  If the children finish their books before their library day, they are welcome to visit the library before school to pick out new ones.

All students, Pre-K-5th grade, are responsible for learning how to take care of their books and for returning them on time.


Pic of library wonderbook bag . Audio/Wonderbooks are a new addition to our library.  When the student checks out one of these, the book is sent home in a plastic bag marked as a bag for the Wonderbooks.  They must be kept in this bag when not in use both at home and at school.  The books should not be near any water or food.  These books are very expensive and we expect the students to take care of them.  The books must come back in the bag.

How many books at one time will the children have on their account?

Below is the chart with how many books students may have on their account at any one time.  This will allow us to keep track of the collection.

  • PreK & K———1 book for 1 week
  • 1st grade———2 books for two weeks
  • 2nd grade——–2 books for two weeks
  • 3rd grade——–3 books for two weeks
  • 4th grade——–3 books for two weeks
  • 5th grade——–3 books for two weeks

Finding just the right book is exciting for the children. Mrs. Black loves to hear the children talk about their choices and recommend books to her.

Self Check-out

Children from second grade through fifth are expected to know their student id number.  Why?  In the library, we have self check out.  The children input their number into the keypad and then their book is scanned. We will teach the students who are new how to do this.

Pre-K through first have a special Drew Library Card to scan when checking out.

Suggestions for how to engage with the library books at home.

Library time is a moment to find a book about something THEY want to read or learn about.  As parents, please ask them about the books.  If they are read alouds, enjoy the books together.  If they are beginning to read independently,  have them read a few pages to you, the whole book, or their favorite part.  The more they read, the better they will be!!!!!!!!   Please share this reading time together every night.

Forgot to bring the books on Library Day!

Oops!  Times like this happen.  On those days, Mrs. Black has a bin of books that the student may borrow from.  They can take it with them and either keep it, or bring it back another time for someone else who forgot.  Please try to keep the library schedule on your refrigerator.  During the first two weeks, a “your library day is” bookmark will come home for you to put on the calendar.

Lost Books?

Nobody likes to have a lost book.  Plan to have a special place to keep library books in your home.  This could be by the bed, on the table, or in the backpack.